Ongoing Growth

As we often say, "You're either growing or you're dying!" And if you are human...and in need of future growth, we've got your back!

Whether you want to continue growth in your marriage, you've had some challenges come up, or you want to work on personal matters, we are here to coach you to OUTCOMES.

Private Coaching Session - 45+ minutes

Whether there is a sticking point at home, in your marriage, with the kids, business, or interpersonal issues at work, we can help you reframe, find solutions, & take action to overcome the obstacles in your way. Each session only $150.

Book Your Coaching Call

A Month of Momentum

Maintaining the skills and gains you made in your marriage will take consistency in your thought life, your heart, the way you communicate, the way you handle challenges, and especially prioritizing your marriage. Setbacks do not mean that the work you did was in vain - it means you are human! Come back to the group sessions, have 1-2 one-on-one coaching calls, and open up your support channel again so we can help you get unstuck and back on track toward oneness, closeness, and connection. Four weeks of support for just $600.

The Fortress Mastermind

If you are looking for deeper growth in your life and marriage - this 6-month mastermind will be a revolutionary and transformational leap for you and your marriage! We provide advanced trainings to improve intimacy, connection, communication, and cover topics like boundary setting, self-care, mindset, intimacy-building, personality styles and differences, and spiritual growth. If you're curious to see if it's a good fit, watch this part of the Tower call from February 20, 2024: CLICK HERE.

Our newest offering...early pricing of only $600/month! Time-limited!


Better Together!

Your spouse wants to get on board with you? They've noticed your changes, their heart has softened toward you, and they want what you have. Often we find that the distant spouse comes back around after seeing you show up differently, and they want to get the same skills, insight, and healing that you experienced in Turnaround Marriage. If they are ready to show up committed and decisive, coachable, and resourceful the way you did, have them check out the masterclass at and if they want to move forward with a breakthrough call and join you in going through Turnaround Marriage, have them book that breakthrough call and enjoy 10 weeks of transformation for just $1500.

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